Administrative divisions of the Dutch East Indies

Administrative regions in former colony
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History of Indonesia
Java Man 1,000,000 BP
Flores Man 94,000–12,000 BP
Toba catastrophe 75,000 BP
Buni culture 400 BCE
Kutai Kingdom 350–1605
Tarumanagara Kingdom 400s–500s
Kantoli 400s-500s
Kalingga Kingdom 500s–600s
Melayu Kingdom 600s–1347
Srivijaya Empire 600s–1025
Shailendra Dynasty 600s–900s
Mataram Kingdom 716–1016
Bali Kingdom 914–1908
Sunda Kingdom 932–1579
Kahuripan Kingdom 1019–1045
Kediri Kingdom 1045–1221
Dharmasraya Kingdom 1183–1347
Pannai Kingdom 1000s–1300s
Singhasari Empire 1222–1292
Majapahit Empire 1293–1527
Spread of Islam 800–1600
Peureulak Sultanate840–1292
Aru Kingdom 1225–1613
Ternate Sultanate 1257–1914
Samudera Pasai Sultanate 1267–1521
Pagaruyung Kingdom 1347–1833
Brunei Sultanate 1368–1888
Malacca Sultanate 1400–1511
Sulu Sultanate 1405–1851
Cirebon Sultanate 1445–1677
Demak Sultanate 1475–1554
Aceh Sultanate 1496–1903
Sultanate of Ternate 1486–1914
Sultanate of Bacan 1515–1946
Sultanate of Tidore 1500s–1967
Sultanate of Jailolo 1496–1903
Banten Sultanate 1526–present
Banjar Sultanate 1526–1863
Kalinyamat Sultanate 1527–1599
Mataram Sultanate 1586–1755
Johor Sultanate 1528s–1877
Kingdom of Kaimana 1600s–1926
Palembang Sultanate 1659–1823
Siak Sultanate 1725–1946
Surakarta Sunanate 1745–present
Yogyakarta Sultanate 1755–present
Deli Sultanate 1814–1946
Riau-Lingga Sultanate 1824–1911
European colonization
Portuguese 1512–1850
Spanish 1521–1677
Dutch East India Company 1602–1799
British 1685–1824
French and British interregnum 1806–1816
Dutch East Indies
Emergence of Indonesia
Republic of Indonesia
Liberal democracy 1950–1959
Guided Democracy 1959–1966
Transition 1966–1967
New Order 1967–1998
Reform era 1998–present
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The Dutch East Indies was a Dutch colony consisting of what is now Indonesia. The Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824, which ceded Dutch Malacca, a governorate of the Dutch East Indies that was transferred to Great Britain has consolidated modern-day rule to the Malacca state of Malaysia. It was divided into three governorates, namely the Great East, Borneo (Kalimantan) and Sumatra, and into three provinces in Java. Provinces and governorates were further divided into residencies. Residencies under the provinces were divided into regencies (Dutch: regentschappen), and residencies under governorates were divided into departments (Dutch: Afdeelingen, modern spelling afdelingen) and then further into regentschappen.[1]

The following list is the divisions of the Dutch East Indies in 1942, prior to the Japanese occupation in World War II.


In 1938, all of the various Residencies and Gouvernements in Sumatra were reorganized under the new Gouvernement of Sumatra.[2]

Name Population
Modern area Princely state(s)
Dutch name Local name Residency
Residentie Atjeh en Onderhoorigheden Aceh Atjeh and Dependencies Residency 1,003,062 55392.23 Aceh, comprising the divisions (afdeeling) of Aceh Besar, North Aceh, East Aceh and West Aceh. State of Tarumon
Residentie Tapanoeli Tapanuli Tapanoeli Residency 1,042,583 39076.87 western part of North Sumatra, consisting of the divisions (afdeeling) of Sibolga en Omstreken, Nias en omliggend eiland, Bataklanden and Padang Sidempoean none
Residentie Oostkust van Sumatra Sumatra Timur Sumatra's East Coast Residency 1,693,200 94583.25 eastern part of North Sumatra and northern part of Riau, consisting of the divisions (afdeeling) of Langkat, Deli en Serdang, Asahan, Simaloengoen en Karolanden and Bengkalis; and with the municipalities (stadsgemeente) of Medan, Bindjai, Tebing Tinggi, Tandjoengbalai and Pematangsiantar Langkat Sultanate, Deli Sultanate, Serdang Sultanate, Asahan Sultanate, Panei Sultanate, Siak Sultanate and Pelalawan Sultanate
Residentie Sumatra's Westkust Sumatra Barat Sumatra's West Coast Residency 1,910,298 49778.10 West Sumatra including Mentawai Islands, consisting of the divisions (afdeeling) of Tanah Datar, Agam, Solok, Limapoeloe Koto and Zuid Benedenlanden; and with the municipalities (stadsgemeente) of Padang, Bukittinggi and Sawahloento none
Residentie Riouw en Onderhoorigheden Riau Riouw and Dependencies Residency 298,225 31668.44 southern part of Riau and Riau Islands, consisting of the divisions (afdeeling) of Indragiri and Tandjoengpinang Indragiri Sultanate
Residentie Djambi Jambi Djambi Residency 245,272 44923.76 Jambi, consisting of the division (afdeeling) of Djambi none
Residentie Benkoelen Bengkulu Benkoelen Residency 323,123 26249.39 Bengkulu, consisting of the division (afdeeling) of Benkoelen none
Residentie Palembang Palembang Palembang Residency 1,098,725 86355.65 South Sumatra, consist of the divisions (afdeeling) of Palembang Bovenlanden, Palembang Benedenlanden and Ogan en Komering-oeloe; and with the municipality (stadsgemeente) of Palembang none
Residentie Bangka en Onderhoorigheden Bangka Bangka and Dependencies Residency 278,792 16774.70 Bangka and Belitung Islands, consisting of the divisions (afdeeling) of Bangka and Billiton none
Residentie Lampongsche Districten Lampung Lampong Districts Residency 361,563 28783.74 Lampung, consisting of the division (afdeeling) of Teloekbetoeng none


Java comprised three provinces,[citation needed] West, Middle and East Java, the boundaries of which were similar to the island's pre-2000 boundaries.[citation needed]

West Java

Under control of Governorate of West Java (Gouvernement West-Java)

Name Population
Modern area Princely state(s)
Dutch name Local name Residency
Residentie Bantam Banten Bantam Residency 1,028,628 n/a Banten consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Serang, Lebak and Pandeglang none
Residentie Batavia Betawi Batavia Residency 2,637,035 n/a Jakarta and surroundings, consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Batavia (includes Tangerang and its surrounding city and regency), Meester-Cornelis (includes most of current West Jakarta and Bekasi) and Krawang (includes Purwakarta); with municipality (stadsgemeente) of Batavia none
Residentie Buitenzorg Bogor Buitenzorg Residency 2,212,997 n/a Bogor, Sukabumi and Cianjur, consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Buitenzorg, Soekaboemi and Tjiandjoer; with municipalities (stadsgemeente) of Buitenzorg and Soekaboemi none
Residentie Preanger-Regentschappen Priangan Preanger Regencies Residency 3,448,796 n/a Bandung and surroundings, consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Bandoeng, Soemedang, Tasikmalaja, Tjiamis and Garoet; with municipality (stadsgemeente) of Bandoeng none
Residentie Cheribon Cirebon Cheribon Residency 2,069,690 n/a Cirebon and surroundings, consisting of regencies (regentschap) of Cheribon, Koeningan, Indramajoe and Madjalengka; and with the municipality (stadsgemeente) of Cheribon none

Central Java

Under control of Governorate of Middle Java (Gouvernement Midden-Java):

Name Population
Modern area Princely state(s)
Dutch name Local name Residency
Residentie Pekalongan Pekalongan Pekalongan Residency 2,640,124 n/a Pekalongan, Tegal and surroundings, consisting of regencies (regentschap) of Pekalongan, Batang, Pemalang, Tegal and Brebes; and with the municipalities(stadsgemeente) of Pekalongan and Tegal none
Residentie Banjoemas Banyumas Banjoemas Residency 2,474,447 n/a Banyumas, Purwokerto and surroundings, consist of the regencies (regentschap) of Banjoemas, Poerwokerto, Tjilatjap and Bandjarnegara none
Residentie Kedoe Kedu Kedoe Residency 2,129,894 n/a Magelang and surroundings, consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Magelang, Wonosobo, Temanggoeng, Poerworedjo and Keboemen; and with the municipality (stadsgemeente) of Magelang none
Residentie Semarang Semarang Semarang Residency 2,020,684 n/a The Semarang metropolitan area (Kedungsepur), consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Semarang, Kendal, Demak and Grobogan; and with the municipalities (stadsgemeente) of Semarang and Salatiga none
Residentie Djepara-Rembang Jepara-Rembang Djepara-Rembang Residency 1,876,480 n/a Jepara, Rembang and surroundings, consisting of regencies (regentschap) of Pati, Djepara, Rembang, Blora and Koedoes none

East Java

Under control of Governorate of East Java (Gouvernement Oost-Java):

Name Population
Modern area Princely state(s)
Dutch name Local name Residency
Residentie Madioen Madiun Madioen Residency 1,909,801 n/a Madiun and surroundings, consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Madioen, Magetan, Ngawi, Ponorogo and Patjitan; and with the municipality (stadsgemeente) of Madioen none
Residentie Bodjonegoro Bojonegoro Bodjonegoro Residency 1,986,129 n/a Bojonegoro and surroundings, consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Bodjonegoro, Toeban and Lamongan none
Residentie Kediri Kediri Kediri Residency 2,469,955 n/a Kediri and surroundings, consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Kediri, Ngandjoek, Blitar and Toeloengagoeng; and with the municipalities (stadsgemeente) of Kediri and Blitar none
Residentie Soerabaja Surabaya Soerabaja Residency 1,902,953 n/a The Surabaya metropolitan area, consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Soerabaja, Sidoardjo, Modjokerto and Djombang; and with the municipalities (stadsgemeente) of Soerabaja and Modjokerto none
Residentie Malang Malang Malang Residency 2,741,105 n/a Malang, Probolinggo and surroundings, consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Malang, Pasoeroean, Probolinggo and Loemadjang; and with the municipalities (stadsgemeente) of Malang, Pasoeroean and Probolinggo none
Residentie Besoeki Besuki Besoeki Residency 2,083,309 n/a Banyuwangi and surroundings, consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Bondowoso, Panaroekan, Djember and Banjoewangi none
Residentie Madoera Madura Madoera Residency 1,962,462 n/a Madura, consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Bangkalan, Pamekasan and Soemenep none


In 1938 both of these Residencies were again united in a Governorate of Borneo (Gouvernement van Borneo) with its capital at Banjarmasin.

Name Population
Modern area Princely state(s)
Dutch name Local name Residency
Residentie Westerafdeeling van Borneo Kalimantan Barat Western Afdeelings of Borneo Residency 802,447 n/a West Kalimantan, consisting of the Afdeelingen of Singkawang, Pontianak, Ketapang and Sintang Sambas Sultanate, Pontianak Sultanate, Lordship of Koeboe, Lordship of Landak, Lordship of Mampawa, Lordship of Matan, Lordship of Sanggau, Lordship of Sekadau, Lordship of Selimbau, Lordship of Simpang, Lordship of Sintang, Lordship of Soekadana and Lordship of Tajan
Residentie Zuider en Oosterafdeeling van Borneo Kalimantan Selatan dan Timur Southern and Eastern Afdeelings of Borneo Residency 1,366,214 n/a Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan, consisting of the afdeelingen of Koeala Kapoeas, Bandjermasin, Hoeloe Soengei, Samarinda and Boeloengan en Berau; with the municipalities (stadsgemeente) of Bandjermasin Principality of Kota Waringin, Principality of Pasir, Koetei Sultanate, Boeloengan Sultanate, Sambalioeng Sultanate, Goenoeng Taboer Sultanate

The Great East

The governorate of the Great East (Dutch: 'Gouvernement Groote Oost') was created in 1938. It comprised the islands to the east of Borneo and Java, including the Lesser Sunda Islands, Sulawesi, Maluku and Western New Guinea.

Lesser Sunda Islands

Name Population
Modern area Princely state(s)
Dutch name Local name Residency
Residentie Bali en Lombok Bali dan Lombok Bali and Lombok Residency 1,802,683 n/a Bali and Lombok, consisting of the divisions (afdeeling) of Singaradja, Zuid Bali and Lombok Kloengkoeng Kingdom with primacy over several small states in Bali and Lombok
Residentie Timor en Onderhoorigheden Timor Timor and Dependencies Residency 1,657,376 n/a West Nusa Tenggara East of Lombok and East Nusa Tenggara, consisting of the divisions (afdeeling) of Soembawa, Soemba, Flores and Timor en eilanden Soembawa Sultanate, Bima Sultanate and several small states


Name Population
Modern area Princely state(s)
Dutch name Local name Residency
Residentie Celebes en Onderhoorigheden Sulawesi Celebes and Dependencies Residency 3,093,251 n/a South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi, consisting of the afdeelingen of Soenggoeminasa, Bonthain, Makassar, Bone, Parepare, Mandar, and Loewoe, Boetoeng en Laiwoei and with the municipalities (stadsgemeente) of Makassar Gowa Sultanate, Boetoeng Sultanate Lordship of Banggai, Lordship of Bone, Lordship of Loewoe, Lordship of Sidenreng, Lordship of Soppeng, Lordship of Wadjo, Lordship of Moena and other smaller states
Residentie Manado Manado Manado Residency 1,138,665 n/a Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo and North Sulawesi, consisting of the afdeelingen of Poso, Donggala, Gorontalo, Manado and Sangihe en Talaud eiland with the municipalities (stadsgemeente) of Manado none

Maluku and Western New Guinea

In 1922 with the dissolution of Residentie Ternate to Residentie Amboina, Residentie Amboina was renamed to Residentie Molukken. In 1935 the Residentie was renamed to Governorate of the Moluccas Gouvernement Molukken until the creation of Gouvernement Groote Oost in 1938, in which Gouvernement Molukken became residentie again.

Name Population
Modern area Princely state(s)
Dutch name Local name Department
Afdeeling Ternate Ternate Ternate Afdeeling 560,013 n/a North Maluku Ternate Sultanate, Tidore Sultanate and Batjan Sultanate
Afdeeling Amboina Ambon Amboina Afdeeling 560,013 (with Tual) n/a Maluku at least a small state, State of Amahusu
Afdeeling Toeal Tual Afdeeling of Tual 0 n/a Southeast Maluku none
Afdeeling Nieuw-Guinea (Dutch) New Guinea New Guinea Afdeeling 333,387(with South New-Guinea) n/a West Papua and Papua none
Afdeeling Zuid Nieuw-Guinea (Dutch) Southern New Guinea South New Guinea Afdeeling 0 n/a Southern part of West Papua and Papua State of Kaimana

Malay Peninsula


The governorate of Malacca (Gouvernement Malacca) was a part of the Dutch East Indies (1818-1825), before finally handing it to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland based on Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824.

Name Population Area
Modern area Princely state(s)
Dutch name Local name Residency
Residentie Malacca Melaka Malacca Residency n/a 1664 Malacca City and surroundings, consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Melaka Tengah, Jasin and Alor Gajah Sultanate of Johor


Vorstenlanden were four native states on the island of Java in the Netherlands Indies that were nominally self-governing under suzerainty of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Their political autonomy was however severely constrained by treaties and settlements. Two of them were the Governorate of Djokjakarta and the Governorate of Soerakarta, which controlled the Residentie Djokjakarta and the Residenties of Soerakarta and Klaten respectively.

Name Population
Modern area Princely state(s)
Dutch name Local name Residency
Residentie Djokjakarta Yogyakarta Djokjakarta Residency 1,559,027 n/a Yogyakarta, consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Adikarto, Pakoealaman, Koelon-Progo, Jogjakarta, Bantoel and Goenoeng-Kidul Jogjakarta Sultanate and Duchy of Pakoe Alaman
Residentie Soerakarta Surakarta Soerakarta Residency 2,564,848 (with Klaten) n/a Surakarta, consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Sragen, Soerakarta, Kota Mangkoenagaran and Wonogiri Soerakarta Sunanate and Duchy of Mangkoe Negaran
Residentie Klaten Klaten Klaten Residency 0 n/a consisting of the regencies (regentschap) of Klaten and Bojolali Soerakarta Sunanate


  1. ^ "Chapter 4: The Netherlands Indies, 1800-1942 | Digital Atlas of Indonesian History - by Robert Cribb". Archived from the original on 19 January 2012. Retrieved 19 January 2012., sourced from Cribb, R. B (2010), Digital atlas of indonesian history, Nias, ISBN 978-87-91114-66-3 from the earlier volume Cribb, R. B; Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (2000), Historical atlas of Indonesia, Curzon ; Singapore : New Asian Library, ISBN 978-0-7007-0985-4
  2. ^ Cribb, R. B. (2000). Historical atlas of Indonesia. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. p. 128. ISBN 0-8248-2111-4.
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