Bougainville monkey-faced bat

Species of mammal

Bougainville monkey-faced bat
Illustration by Peter Schouten
Conservation status

Endangered  (IUCN 3.1)[1]
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Chiroptera
Family: Pteropodidae
Genus: Pteralopex
P. anceps
Binomial name
Pteralopex anceps
K. Andersen, 1909
Bougainville Monkey-faced Bat range

The Bougainville monkey-faced bat or Bougainville flying monkey (Pteralopex anceps) is a megabat endemic to Bougainville Island of Papua New Guinea and Choiseul Island of the Solomon Islands in Melanesia.[2] It inhabits mature forests in upland areas, within the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and Bougouriba Province.

Discovery and taxonomy

It was first collected by English naturalist Albert Stewart Meek in April 1904 from Bougainville Island. That specimen was later used by Danish zoologist Knud Andersen in 1909 to describe a new species.[3] The species name anceps comes from Latin, meaning "double-headed" or "having two heads." This could possibly be a reference to it being the second described member of Pteralopex, or that it had characters similar to both Pteralopex and Pteropus, especially the Bonin flying fox.[4] In 1954, it was listed as a subspecies of the Guadalcanal monkey-faced bat.[5] In 1978, it was once again listed a separate species.[6] Some have considered it synonymous with the greater monkey-faced bat,[7] which is found in the same range, while others maintain them as separate species.[3]


It is the largest member of its genus, Pteralopex.[2] Their forearms are 141–160 millimetres (5.6–6.3 in) long.[3] They can be identified by their short ears, mostly obscured by their fur. They have black fur on their heads and backs. Their chests have a white or yellow patch.[2] The fur is long, with individual hairs approximately 20 mm (0.79 in) Unlike the Guadalcanal monkey-faced bat, the tibia is fully furred.[4] They have a robust skull morphology, with thick zygomatic arches and high sagittal crests. Their dental formula of It is thought that their eyes are red or orange in color like other members of their genus. They lack tails. Males and females are similar in body size. [3]


One was observed roosting in a fig tree. They have been observed roosting alone and within groups.[2] Their diet is unknown, but specimens in museums have extensive tooth wearing, suggesting that they might feed on hard, abrasive fruits.[3]

Habitat and range

The majority of museum specimens were collected from cloud forests at 1,100 metres (3,600 ft) or higher above sea level.[3] It is not thought to occur in coastal forests.[2] It had not been seen on Bougainville Island since 1968, until they were again sighted in 2016.[1] It was last seen on Choiseul Island in 2008.[8]


In 1992, this species was feared extinct because it had not been seen despite research expeditions in the area.[9] However, a research expedition in 1995 documented six individuals over the course of six months.[2] In 1992, captive breeding was recommended for this species, as its population was thought to be in drastic decline.[9] However, as of 2017, there is no evidence of such a program existing, or plans to initiate one. The species is on the IUCN Red List as an Endangered species. Threats to this species include habitat destruction from agriculture. It is also hunted for bushmeat.[1] In 2013, Bat Conservation International listed this species as one of the 35 species of its worldwide priority list of conservation.[10]

Efforts by Bat Conservation International to conserve the species include partnering with the indigenous Rotokas people, Volunteer Service Abroad, and the Bougainville Bureau for the Environment to develop a conservation plan for Kunua Plains & Mount Balbi Key Biodiversity Area. These efforts are intended to conserve the Bougainville monkey-faced bat and the greater monkey-faced bat.[11] Conservation actions identified by Bat Conservation International include identifying alternate protein sources for indigenous peoples so that they do not have to rely on bushmeat, creating native tree nurseries for reforestation efforts, mitigating conflicts between the fruit-eating bats and farmers seeking to protect their crops, and engaging the community more frequently in conservation dialogue. Researchers seeking to work in Kunua Plains & Mount Balbi Key Biodiversity Area will pay the Rotokas people for access to their land, hire guides and porters from local villages, and purchase their produce locally to provide income for the Rotokas people.[12]


  1. ^ a b c Lavery, T.H. (2017). "Pteralopex anceps". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2017: e.T18656A22071126. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-2.RLTS.T18656A22071126.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Bowen-Jones, E., Abrutat, D., Markham, B., & Bowe, S. (1997). Flying foxes on Choiseul (Solomon Islands)–the need for conservation action. Oryx, 31(3), 209-217.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Helgen, K. M. (2005). Systematics of the Pacific monkey-faced bats (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae), with a new species of Pteralopex and a new Fijian genus. Systematics and Biodiversity, 3(4), 433-453.
  4. ^ a b Andersen, K. (1909). XXXII.—Two new bats from the Solomon Islands. Journal of Natural History, 3(15), 266-270.
  5. ^ Laurie, E. M., & Hill, J. E. (1954). List of land mammals of New Guinea, Celebes and adjacent islands 1758-1952. List of land mammals of New Guinea, Celebes and adjacent islands 1758-1952.
  6. ^ Hill, J. E., & Beckon, W. N. (1978). A new species of Pteralopex Thomas, 1888 (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) from the Fiji Islands. British Museum (Natural History).
  7. ^ Parnaby, H. E. (2001). A taxonomic review of the genus Pteralopex (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae), the monkey-faced bats of the south-western Pacific. Australian Mammalogy, 23(2), 145-162.
  8. ^ Pikacha, P. 2008. Distribution, habitat preference, and conservation status of the endemic giant rats Solomys ponceleti and S. salebrosus on Choiseul Island, Solomon Islands. BP Conservation 2005 Final Report, Project no 700305. BP Conservation Leadership Programme.
  9. ^ a b Mickleburgh, S. P., Hutson, A. M., & Racey, P. A. (1992). Old World fruit bats. An action plan for their conservation. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.
  10. ^ "Annual Report 2013-2014" (PDF). Bat Conservation International. August 2014. Archived from the original (PDF) on July 7, 2017. Retrieved May 1, 2017.
  11. ^ Jepson, Katie (November 1, 2016). "A Joint Effort to Save the Bougainville Monkey - Faced Bat". Bat Conservation International. Retrieved September 27, 2017.
  12. ^ Conservation of Bougainville’s Endangered Monkey-faced Bats (PDF) (Report). Bat Conservation International. November 2015. Archived from the original (PDF) on September 28, 2017. Retrieved September 27, 2017.
  • v
  • t
  • e
Extant species of family Pteropodidae
Subfamily Nyctimeninae
(tube-nosed fruit bats)
  • Broad-striped tube-nosed fruit bat (N. aello)
  • Common tube-nosed fruit bat (N. albiventer)
  • Pallas's tube-nosed bat (N. cephalotes)
  • Mountain tube-nosed fruit bat (N. certans)
  • Round-eared tube-nosed fruit bat (N. cyclotis)
  • Dragon tube-nosed fruit bat (N. draconilla)
  • Keast's tube-nosed fruit bat (N. keasti)
  • Island tube-nosed fruit bat (N. major)
  • Malaita tube-nosed fruit bat (N. malaitensis)
  • Demonic tube-nosed fruit bat (N. masalai)
  • Lesser tube-nosed bat (N. minutus)
  • Philippine tube-nosed fruit bat (N. rabori)
  • Eastern tube-nosed Bat (N. robinsoni)
  • Umboi tube-nosed fruit bat (N. vizcaccia)
  • Lesser tube-nosed fruit bat (P. raptor)
  • Steadfast tube-nosed fruit bat (P. tenax)
Subfamily Cynopterinae
(Pygmy fruit bats)
  • Borneo fruit bat (A. aequalis)
  • Pygmy fruit bat (A. alecto)
  • Mindanao pygmy fruit bat (A. paucidentata)
  • Black-capped fruit bat (C. melanocephalus)
(Dog-faced fruit bats)
  • Lesser short-nosed fruit bat (C. brachyotis)
  • Horsfield's fruit bat (C. horsfieldii)
  • Peters's fruit bat (C. luzoniensis)
  • Minute fruit bat (C. minutus)
  • Nusatenggara short-nosed fruit bat (C. nusatenggara)
  • Greater short-nosed fruit bat (C. sphinx)
  • Indonesian short-nosed fruit bat (C. titthaecheilus)
(Dayak fruit bats)
  • Brooks's dyak fruit bat (D. brooksi)
  • Rickart's dyak fruit bat (D. rickarti)
  • Dayak fruit bat (D. spadiceus)
  • Fischer's pygmy fruit bat (H. fischeri)
  • Salim Ali's fruit bat (L. salimalii)
  • Tailless fruit bat (M. ecaudatus)
  • Javan tailless fruit bat (M. kusnotoi)
  • Ratanaworabhan's fruit bat (M. niphanae)
  • White-collared fruit bat (M. wetmorei)
  • Luzon fruit bat (O. cartilagonodus)
  • Dusky fruit bat (P. lucasi)
(Musky fruit bats)
  • Greater musky fruit bat (P. jagori)
  • Lesser musky fruit bat (P. minor)
  • Blanford's fruit bat (S. blanfordi)
  • Bulmer's fruit bat (A. bulmerae)
(Bare-backed fruit bats)
  • Andersen's naked-backed fruit bat (D. anderseni)
  • Beaufort's naked-backed fruit bat (D. beauforti)
  • Philippine naked-backed fruit bat (D. chapmani)
  • Halmahera naked-backed fruit bat (D. crenulata)
  • Biak naked-backed fruit bat (D. emersa)
  • Sulawesi naked-backed fruit bat (D. exoleta)
  • Solomon's naked-backed fruit bat (D. inermis)
  • Lesser naked-backed fruit bat (D. minor)
  • Moluccan naked-backed fruit bat (D. moluccensis)
  • Panniet naked-backed fruit bat (D. pannietensis)
  • Western naked-backed fruit bat (D. peronii)
  • New Britain naked-backed fruit bat (D. praedatrix)
  • Greenish naked-backed fruit bat (D. viridis)
  • Sulawesi harpy fruit bat (H. celebensis)
  • Harpy fruit bat (H. whiteheadi)
Subfamily Macroglossinae
(Long-tongued fruit bats)
  • Long-tongued nectar bat (M. minimus)
  • Long-tongued fruit bat (M. sobrinus)
  • Fardoulis's blossom bat (M. fardoulisi)
  • Black-bellied fruit bat (M. melanops)
  • Woodford's fruit bat (M. woodfordi)
(Long-tailed fruit bats)
  • Long-tailed fruit bat (N. macdonaldi)
  • New Caledonia blossom bat (N. neocaledonica)
(blossom bats)
  • Common blossom bat (S. australis)
  • Halmahera blossom bat (S. carolinae)
  • Moss-forest blossom bat (S. hobbit)
Subfamily Pteropodinae
  • Sulawesi flying fox (A. celebensis)
  • Talaud flying fox (A. humilis)
  • Giant golden-crowned flying fox (A. jubatus)
  • Palawan fruit bat (A. leucotis)
  • Sunda flying fox (A. mackloti)
  • White-winged flying fox (D. leucopterus)
  • Small white-winged flying fox (D. microleucopterus)
(Straw-coloured fruit bats)
  • Madagascan fruit bat (E. dupreanum)
  • Straw-coloured fruit bat (E. helvum)
  • Fijian monkey-faced Bat (M. acrodonta)
  • Small-toothed fruit bat (N. frosti)
  • Bougainville monkey-faced Bat (P. anceps)
  • Guadalcanal monkey-faced Bat (P. atrata)
  • Greater monkey-faced Bat (P. flanneryi)
  • Montane monkey-faced Bat (P. pulchra)
  • New Georgian monkey-faced Bat (P. taki)
(flying foxes)
  • Admiralty flying fox (P. admiralitatum)
  • Aldabra flying fox (P. aldabrensis)
  • Black flying fox (P. alecto)
  • Small Samoan flying fox (P. allenorum)
  • Vanuatu flying fox (P. anetianus)
  • Aru flying fox (P. aruensis)
  • Ashy-headed flying fox (P. caniceps)
  • Bismarck masked flying fox (P. capistratus)
  • Moluccan flying fox (P. chrysoproctus)
  • Makira flying fox (P. cognatus)
  • Spectacled flying fox (P. conspicillatus)
  • Large Samoan flying fox (P. coxi)
  • Ryukyu flying fox (P. dasymallus)
  • New Ireland masked flying fox (P. ennisae)
  • Nicobar flying fox (P. faunulus)
  • Banks flying fox (P. fundatus)
  • Gilliard's flying fox (P. gilliardorum)
  • Gray flying fox (P. griseus)
  • Ontong Java flying fox (P. howensis)
  • Small flying fox (P. hypomelanus)
  • Andersen's flying fox (P. intermedius)
  • Kei flying fox (P. keyensis)
  • Livingstone's fruit bat (P. livingstonii)
  • Lombok flying fox (P. lombocensis)
  • Okinawa flying fox (P. loochoensis)
  • Lyle's flying fox (P. lylei)
  • Big-eared flying fox (P. macrotis)
  • Lesser flying fox (P. mahaganus)
  • Mariana fruit bat (P. mariannus)
  • Indian flying fox (P. medius)
  • Black-bearded flying fox (P. melanopogon)
  • Black-eared flying fox (P. melanotus)
  • Caroline flying fox (P. molossinus)
  • Great flying fox (P. neohibernicus)
  • Mauritian flying fox (P. niger)
  • Temotu flying fox (P. nitendiensis)
  • Ceram fruit bat (P. ocularis)
  • Ornate flying fox (P. ornatus)
  • P. pelagicus
  • Pelew flying fox (P. pelewensis)
  • Masked flying fox (P. personatus)
  • Geelvink Bay flying fox (P. pohlei)
  • Grey-headed flying fox (P. poliocephalus)
  • Bonin flying fox (P. pselaphon)
  • Little golden-mantled flying fox (P. pumilus)
  • Solomons flying fox (P. rayneri)
  • Rennell flying fox (P. rennelli)
  • Rodrigues flying fox (P. rodricensis)
  • Madagascan flying fox (P. rufus)
  • Samoa flying fox (P. samoensis)
  • Little red flying fox (P. scapulatus)
  • Seychelles fruit bat (P. seychellensis)
  • Philippine gray flying fox (P. speciosus)
  • Temminck's flying fox (P. temminckii)
  • Insular flying fox (P. tonganus)
  • Vanikoro flying fox (P. tuberculatus)
  • Kosrae flying fox (P. ualanus)
  • Large flying fox (P. vampyrus)
  • New Caledonia flying fox (P. vetulus)
  • Pemba flying fox (P. voeltzkowi)
  • Dwarf flying fox (P. woodfordi)
  • Mindoro stripe-faced fruit bat (S. mindorensis)
  • Sulawesi stripe-faced fruit bat (S. wallacei)
Subfamily Rousettinae
(Dawn fruit bats)
  • Greater nectar bat (E. major)
  • Cave nectar bat (E. spelaea)
  • Philippine dawn bat (E. robusta)
(rousette fruit bats)
  • Subgenus Boneia: Manado fruit bat (R. bidens)
  • Subgenus Rousettus: Geoffroy's rousette (R. amplexicaudatus)
  • Sulawesi rousette (R. celebensis)
  • Egyptian rousette (R. aegyptiacus)
  • Leschenault's rousette (R. leschenaulti)
  • Linduan Rousette (R. linduensis)
  • Comoro rousette (R. obliviosus)
  • Bare-backed rousette (R. spinalatus)
  • Subgenus Stenonycteris: Long-haired rousette (R. lanosus)
  • Madagascan rousette (R. madagascariensis)
Subfamily Epomophorinae
(Epauleted fruit bats)
  • Angolan epauletted fruit bat (E. angolensis)
  • Ansell's epauletted fruit bat (E. anselli)
  • Peters's epauletted fruit bat (E. crypturus)
  • Gambian epauletted fruit bat (E. gambianus)
  • Lesser Angolan epauletted fruit bat (E. grandis)
  • Ethiopian epauletted fruit bat (E. labiatus)
  • East African epauletted fruit bat (E. minimus)
  • Minor epauletted fruit bat (E. minor)
  • Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat (E. wahlbergi)
(Epauleted bats)
  • Buettikofer's epauletted fruit bat (E. buettikoferi)
  • Dobson's fruit bat (E. dobsoni)
  • Franquet's epauletted fruit bat (E. franqueti)
  • Hammer-headed Bat (H. monstrosus)
(Dwarf epauleted bats)
  • Hayman's dwarf epauletted fruit bat (M. intermedius)
  • Peters' dwarf epauletted fruit bat (M. pusillus)
  • Veldkamp's dwarf epauletted fruit bat (N. veldkampii)
  • Angolan rousette (L. angolensis)
  • Azagnyi fruit bat (M. azagnyi)
  • Woermann's bat (M. woermanni)
(Little collared fruit bats)
  • São Tomé collared fruit bat (M. brachycephala)
  • East African little collared fruit bat (M. relicta)
  • Little collared fruit bat (M. torquata)
  • D'Anchieta's fruit bat (P. anchietae)
  • Short-palated fruit bat (C. argynnis)
  • Campo-Ma’an fruit bat (C. campomaanensis)
  • Pohle's fruit bat (C. ophiodon)
  • Zenker's fruit bat (S. zenkeri)
Taxon identifiers
Pteralopex anceps